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Hearing Institute Atlantic is proud to support the Mental Health Foundation of Nova Scotia through its Mental Health Above All program. Pictured here is local artist, Maureen Rogers, a certified Bob Ross Instructor, from Bedford, NS donating her work to Suzanne Bachur, President of Premier...

No. Far from it. There are devices available on the market whose main function is to amplify sound. You often see these devices marketed widely on-line, through big box stores, or at considerable discounts or offered as a “starter” hearing device for minimal or low...

We often get asked about ear candling, and as an audiologist, it makes me cringe each time I hear that someone is considering ear candling. This article outlines perfectly my feelings on ear candling, and I've posted the bulk of the article below: For those who are not...

This wonderfully written article was found in The Globe and Mail, by Sharon Gerger. It was published September 10th 2013. Enjoy! Old ears hear no evil By Sharon Gerger “The secret to my happy marriage? Great miscommunication. I have an abundance of old things and many of them are...

Stats on Hearing Loss in Canada: Hearing loss affects 1 in 10 of Canadians of all ages. Hearing loss affects 1 out of 6 Baby Boomers (ages 42-60) and 1 out of 14 Gen-Xers (age 30-41) Greater than one million adults across the country reported having a hearing...

Effective July 1, 2014, Canada's new Anti-spam legislation has come into effect. Hearing Institute Atlantic respects this new legislation as a means to protect consumers and wishes to be in full compliance. We will continue to utilize email to efficiently communicate important items such as product introductions,...

Tinnitus is that ringing or buzzing in the ears that we've all experienced at one time or another. For some people, they've only experienced tinnitus temporarily, while others live with it everyday. Read this article to learn more about tinnitus, and 7 common myths about tinnitus. If...

Hearing aids come in many shapes and sizes – and so do the ears of those who wear them. So how do audiologists make sure that your hearing aids fit your ears? It’s a combination of two things: comfort and sound. The Physical Fit There are many ways...

Many individuals want to wear their hearing aids while playing sports - after all, there are lots of different sounds to hear while playing sports. Whether it is the referee whistle, the coach feedback, or the teammate talk, some things just need to be heard...

Gael Hannan is a hearing impaired woman that shares her stories of living well with hearing loss on her blog at We've highlighted her blog in previous posts, but a recent article described a time when her hearing aids were being serviced, and how...