Author: Jessica Andrus

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What is easier to correct? Hearing loss or vision loss? Most of us see hearing aids and glasses as similar devices, just for different senses. They are used to help compensate for a loss in a sense, whether hearing or vision. However, what hearing aids do for...

As a university student studying Psychology and Neuroscience (the study of the brain), as I approached graduation, I wasn't sure what direction to follow in my future. I knew I wanted to work in a health profession,  in a field where you could make a difference...

Hearing the pastor's message is kind of important. After all, isn't that why you attend church? Despite how essential hearing is to taking away the most you can from attending the church service, sometimes its harder to hear in church than in any other environment....

Watch this 5 minute clip as Dr. Oz talks about earwax and the proper way to prevent wax build-up. In cases of wax build-up, our audiologists perform wax removal using safe and effective methods. ...

Recent research by John Hopkins and the National Institute on Aging found that hearing loss significantly increases your risk of falling. Falls are a very serious health concern for the senior population. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), nearly 20,000 seniors died from unintentional...

Most people with untreated hearing loss can tell you that a long day of meetings, social events, and interactions can leave them feeling tired and worn out. Not only do they feel tired at the end of the day, but their hearing may actually be...

Hearing loss is extremely prevalent in nursing homes, yet often dismissed by caregivers. "She's 90, of course she has hearing loss" is a common phrase uttered by family members and nursing home workers. While increased age leads to an increased risk for hearing loss, it...

  With the Superbowl having just passed us, excitement built for the big game last weekend. As athletes stayed focused to win the coveted Superbowl trophy, and as they worked out their communication strategies for the field, little did they know that they may be getting...

Paul Hewson, now known as Bono, was born and raised in Ireland. In his adolescence, he was a member of a group called "Lypton Village"; on one uneventful evening hanging out on the street  across from a local hearing aid company, his friends decided "Bono Vox"...

In Part 2 of this hearing aid history lesson, we watched as hearing aids started to use electrical current to amplify sounds. However, these devices were still large and bulky. In 1948, Bell Laboratories developed the transistor to replace vacuum tubes, which opened many new...