Author: Jessica Andrus

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While many people are aware of the obvious risks associated with binge drinking, did you know that excessive drinking can affect your hearing? Research published in the Irish Medical Times (2010) found that high alcohol consumption over a long period of time can lead to negative...

Thank you for taking the time to read our thoughts and memories as we help people hear better every day. The staff are so grateful to work in such a diverse and rapidly-changing field, with amazing patients, every day. The smallest moments, the kind words, and the...

The ability to hear is a gift. It’s something to value and protect. After all, anyone can lose their hearing at any time in life. While many things outside our control can cause hearing loss, one thing over which we do have some control is noise. Noise...

It is very tough to choose a single moment that defines why I love my profession, as our days are filled with many small, but special moments. However, a particular patient comes to mind that defines my goals as an audiologist. My experience with her has been...

This is a cordless phone for both regular use and use with hearing aids. While it looks like a regular phone, and for your normal-hearing family members will function as a normal phone, it is actually very different for a hearing aid user. A traditional...

If you have diabetes, your ears may be at risk. Read this quick article to see what we are talking about: If you're not scheduled for regular hearing tests, it is important that you start. Just like your eyes, your ears are at risk when you...