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While we are talking about FM systems it is good time to mention the mini mic. This new technology is similar to an FM system and can also help to improve hearing in noise.This is an option for someone who doesn't require an FM system...

Here is a great video that shows how an FM system works. It demonstrates how an FM system can improve listening in challenging environments. Have a look!

What is an FM system? FM systems are designed to help someone with hearing loss hear better in challenging environments. An FM system is made up of 3 key parts: 1) microphone, 2) transmitter, and 3) receiver.  The microphone is worn by the speaker and the...

As rock legends KISS return to Halifax to rock the Halifax Metro Center this evening, concert goers are getting excited to see the iconic rock band return to the stage. Known for their black and white facepaint and their elecrtifying sound, their nickname, "The Gods of Thunder", may be...

Check out the Halifax Busker Festival starting today! Tips for Hearing at the Buskers! Separate from the crowd as much as possible Kindly ask people to “sshhh” if their voices become distracting Get a spot up front and center – this way you can use visual cues such as...

Gael Hannan has some great tips for travelling this summer! She is a frequent traveller and has great insight into travelling with hearing loss. A HoH on the Road ...

Every Sunday from June to September there is a free concert at the Public Gardens Grandstand Summer 2013 Schedule. It is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy outdoor music on a beautiful Halifax afternoon. If you have trouble hearing or appreciating music make an appointment at our...

This summer keep the ear canal as warm, dry, and bacteria-free as possible. Book an appointment to see an audiologist if you have any concerns about your ears! Check our post tomorrow on swim plugs! Living in Nova Scotia there are lots of beaches to enjoy...

Gael Hannan, a mother and grandmother who actively blogs at, has a hearing loss but does not let it define her. She is open with her experiences in all aspects of life on her blog, but recently discussed being hearing impaired as a grandmother...

At what point did we develop the capacity to hear as we know it today? Palaeoanthropologists at Binghamton University in NY State have analyzed ossicles (the middle ear bones, and also the smallest bones in the human body) in hominin fossils  (between 1.8 million to 3.3...