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Noise induced hearing loss affects millions of people worldwide and many Veterans are living with hearing loss and/or tinnitus.  Veterans working in a variety of work conditions may have been exposed to high levels of noise exposure including, infantry, artillery, pilots, engineers and many others....

This week at the Sound Advice blog we will be featuring some entertaining movies that also happen to relate to hearing. Stay tuned all week to read the overview of each movie, then pick your favourite (or watch them all!) next weekend. Curl up with...

This week at the Sound Advice blog we will be featuring some entertaining movies that also happen to relate to hearing. Stay tuned all week to read the overview of each movie, then pick your favourite (or watch them all!) next weekend. Curl up with...

This week at the Sound Advice blog we will be featuring some entertaining movies that also happen to relate to hearing. Stay tuned all week to read the overview of each movie, then pick your favourite (or watch them all!) next weekend. Curl up with...

  All hearing aid purchases include a 30 day trial period. This trial period is important because hearing aids take time and patience to get used to. We want each person to be able to try out a hearing aid at home, at work and at...

This week on the Sound Advice blog, we highlight a different rare hearing condition each day. Misophonia Misphonia, meaning literally "hatred of sound", is believed to be a neurological disorder characterized by negative experiences triggered by specific sounds. The sounds can be loud OR soft (e.g. phonophobia...

This week on the Sound Advice blog, we highlight a different rare hearing condition each day. Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence (SSCD) SSCD is a rare medical condition of the inner ear which leads to hearing and balance disorders in those affected. The symptoms are caused by a...

This week on the Sound Advice blog, we highlight a different rare hearing condition each day. Barotrauma Barotrauma refers to injury sustained from failure to equalize the pressure of an air-containing space with that of the surrounding environment. The most common examples of barotrauma occur in air...

This week on the Sound Advice blog, we highlight a different rare hearing condition each day. Mal de Debarquement Syndrome This is a rare condition that is experienced after a cruise, flight, or other sustained motion event. While the condition is fairly new and does not have...

This week on the Sound Advice blog, we highlight a different rare hearing condition each day.  Musical Ear Syndrome Musical ear syndrome is a rare auditory condition that consists of auditory hallucinations, specifically in the form of musical hallucinations. The individual may experience music or tonal sounds that...