Could Sleep Apnea Affect Your Hearing?
If you have sleep apnea, read here to see some recent research about sleep apnea and hearing....
If you have sleep apnea, read here to see some recent research about sleep apnea and hearing....
Can a hearing aid restore my hearing? -Thanks to Mrs. S. Omrah of Halifax, NS for this question. Restoring? No. Improving? Yes! When a person loses eyesight, a pair of eyeglasses restores their vision. So why does the same principle not hold true for hearing? Hearing loss is...
Please read the article here to learn more about the new service available for hearing impaired Nova Scotians that allows pre-registered phones to communicate via text messaging with a 911 dispatcher. This allows for a more effective mode of emergency communication for the hearing impaired community...
It's hard to believe that some sounds can become extinct, but did you know that there are a variety of sounds that your children or grandchildren will never hear? This week we will provide a list of 11 sounds that your children may only hear...
Everyday we are exposed to a range of sounds at all different levels. Sounds that exceed 85 decibels are usually considered harmful. What you may not realize is that 85 decibels equates to the sound of noisy traffic, loud appliances, blenders, mixers, power tools and...
It's hard to believe that some sounds can become extinct, but did you know that there are a variety of sounds that your children or grandchildren will never hear? This week we will provide a list of 11 sounds that your children may only hear...
It's hard to believe that some sounds can become extinct, but did you know that there are a variety of sounds that your children or grandchildren will never hear? This week we will provide a list of 11 sounds that your children may only hear...
May is speech and hearing month, dedicated to drawing attention to and building awareness of hearing and speech issues. Just like your eyes or your heart, your ears should be included as part of your regular health and wellness routine. Stay on top of your...
May is speech and hearing month, dedicated to drawing attention to and building awareness of hearing and speech issues. Just like your eyes or your heart, your ears should be included as part of your regular health and wellness routine. Stay on top of your...
May is speech and hearing month, dedicated to drawing attention to and building awareness of hearing and speech issues. Just like your eyes or your heart, your ears should be included as part of your regular health and wellness routine. Stay on top of your...