Author: Jessica Andrus

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Please visit to see the insight of a hearing aid user on the challenges of sleeping with hearing loss. It's a light-hearted, easy to read account of some challenges, concerns, and tips she has on sleeping as an individual with hearing impairment. While there are many reasons...

As rock legends KISS return to Halifax to rock the Halifax Metro Center this evening, concert goers are getting excited to see the iconic rock band return to the stage. Known for their black and white facepaint and their elecrtifying sound, their nickname, "The Gods of Thunder", may be...

Gael Hannan, a mother and grandmother who actively blogs at, has a hearing loss but does not let it define her. She is open with her experiences in all aspects of life on her blog, but recently discussed being hearing impaired as a grandmother...

At what point did we develop the capacity to hear as we know it today? Palaeoanthropologists at Binghamton University in NY State have analyzed ossicles (the middle ear bones, and also the smallest bones in the human body) in hominin fossils  (between 1.8 million to 3.3...

  Check out this article for a cool invention designed by Sony to help the hearing impaired population enjoy movies and catch each line of the story. As more research and pilot studies are completed, we will likely see these available for home theatre viewing, hopefully in...

Did you know that the various Empire Theatres in Nova Scotia have equipment that can be borrowed on request to help a hearing impaired movie-goer get the most out of their movie-watching experience? All Empire Theatres have wireless headsets that can be requested at the customer service...

With every day, month, year that passes in the world, medical researchers are looking for new and improved ways to remediate hearing loss. Watch the video below to see why working in the hearing care field can be so rewarding. Grayson, a 3 year old boy born...

In a previous post, we discussed how smoking can increase your risk for hearing loss. But did you know that secondhand smoke can increase the risk of hearing loss in adolescents and children? Check out this summary from CBC of a researcher who found that exposure to second...

Wrong! As shown by Science Daily (2011), and numerous other researchers, when even a mild hearing loss is left untreated, it can lead to brain atrophy (a weakening of the brain pathways associated with processing speech and other sounds) in older adults. What this can ultimately lead...