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"There’s another reason to be concerned about hearing loss — one of the most common health conditions in older adults and one of the most widely undertreated.  A new study by researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine suggests that elderly people with compromised hearing are at...

How are your communication habits? Can they stand a little improvement? Today's spring cleaning article focuses on good communication strategies when talking to an individual with hearing loss (but really, they are good strategies for all conversations!). Read here for some tips and strategies for optimal...

In today's spring cleaning article, we look at a recent report on the levels of noise generated by infant sleep machines, and if they are putting babies at risk for hearing damage. When sound is evaluated for the risk of damaging hearing, many factors must be...

For our first spring cleaning article, please read here to discover the first hand journey of a hearing impaired drummer and his experience with Widex Dream hearing aids. If you're interested in the research side of how Widex Dream processes music, read this research article for more...

Question: What is the best way to remove earwax?  Answer: Such a great question, and one lots of folks ask us about at Hearing Institute Atlantic everyday. Thank you to Beverly-Anne from Milford, NS for emailing us with your concern. It is normal to have...

Spring is a time where people clean house and prepare for the change in season. We have a number of articles "bookmarked" as interesting reads, that just haven't fit into a cohesive group of posts. April posts will be a series of interesting reads, only...

We are constantly hearing different headlines about the newest research in many fields. It is hard to know what is true, and what has been played up by the media - but normally, where there is smoke there is fire, and while some research studies...

Julian Treasure says our increasingly noisy world is gnawing away at our mental health -- even costing lives. He lays out an 8-step plan to soften this sonic assault (starting with earbuds) and restore our relationship with sound. Click here to watch the video....