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The frequently referenced blog by Gael Hannan at always has excellent articles, both funny and informative, and they never disappoint. Recently, she posted a collection of poetry written by individuals with hearing loss. Hearing loss is not just a physical deficit, it can have...

On today's spring cleaning article, the hot topic of "personal sound amplifers" is addressed. The entire article is here, but the most important details are laid out below. Please note that the author, Tony Miliano, is an american doctor of audiology, and the article references...

Did you know that Winston Churchill suffered from hearing loss? The first documented appearance of him wearing a hearing aid was this very day (April 21), in 1952. While the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom didn't often reference his hearing loss, there is information...

Today's spring cleaning article re-visits the hearing loss and cognition discussion, and highlights research in an easy to understand manner. Many families of individuals with Alzheimer's disease often wonder if treating their co-existing hearing loss is worth it. In a short answer, YES. First you need...

The HIA family would like to wish Mr. Malcolm Pain good luck as he runs the Boston Marathon on Monday! At 76 years young, Mr. Pain is a great example of the importance of healthy living, better hearing, and dedication. Read this article for more information, or...

"There’s another reason to be concerned about hearing loss — one of the most common health conditions in older adults and one of the most widely undertreated.  A new study by researchers at Johns Hopkins Medicine suggests that elderly people with compromised hearing are at...

How are your communication habits? Can they stand a little improvement? Today's spring cleaning article focuses on good communication strategies when talking to an individual with hearing loss (but really, they are good strategies for all conversations!). Read here for some tips and strategies for optimal...

In today's spring cleaning article, we look at a recent report on the levels of noise generated by infant sleep machines, and if they are putting babies at risk for hearing damage. When sound is evaluated for the risk of damaging hearing, many factors must be...