Author: Sarah Williams

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This April, we will be focusing on sound, and how sound can play an important part in our lives. Sound can elicit emotion and memory, and everyone has a favourite sound. We asked each of our staff members to describe their favourite sound this month!...

With a new year we have some suggestions for a year filled with better hearing! Talk to your family & friends about your hearing loss As in individual with hearing loss you are your own greatest advocate for hearing health awareness. You have been through the thorough...

With a new year we have some suggestions for a year filled with better hearing! Clean your hearing aids A new year is a great time to make sure you are keeping your hearing aids in good shape. Always make sure your fingers are dry and clean before...

With a new year we have some suggestions for a year filled with better hearing! Use a Stay Dri Container A Stay Dri Hearing Aid Dehumidifier is the best place to keep your hearing aids whenever they aren't in your ears. This container has small beads that...

With a new year we have some suggestions for a year filled with better hearing! Wear your hearing aids more often "It doesn't really matter if I wear hearing aids, right?"  Wrong! As shown by Science Daily (2011), and numerous other researchers, when even a mild hearing...

With a new year we have some suggestions for a year filled with better hearing! Practice Good Communication Strategies As a family member or friend of an individual with hearing loss it is important to realize the importance of optimal communication.  When encountering someone with a hearing...

With a new year we have some suggestions for a year filled with better hearing! Manage Wax The creation of ear wax is a normal process. It is made up of dead skin cells, secretions of glands in the ear canal, sweat, dust and other debris. Ear...

With a new year we have some suggestions for a year filled with better hearing!   Wear Hearing Protection Noise induced hearing loss affects millions of people worldwide.  Most often noise exposure goes unnoticed for many years as noise induced hearing loss occurs slowly.  By the time hearing...

With a new year we have some suggestions for a year filled with better hearing! Recommend a Hearing Test to a Family Member or Friend Think about encouraging a family member or friend to book a hearing test. Or better yet offer to come along for support....

With a new year we have some suggestions for a year filled with better hearing! Hearing Test Hearing loss, like any other health related issue, should not be ignored. Many people simply don’t remember to include a hearing evaluation as part of their regular health check-ups. Research...