Author: Sarah Williams

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Check out this article about US Olympic Diver who has Hearing Loss, a true inspiration!  ...

  “…I knew I made the right decision when I walked through their door. Now, I can hear the raindrops fall and don’t feel left out of any conversations anymore. I now wear a tiny hearing aid, which I don’t even realize is there…” - Mary...

BOGO on BATTERIES Buy 5 packs of our Premium Label Batteries and get 5 packs FREE! Sale $40.00 Regular $80.00 Sunshine Special Stay Dri Dehumidifier + 2 packages of Batteries Sale $20.00 Regular $30.50 SummerSpecial2012...

Noise induced hearing loss affects millions of people worldwide.  Most often noise exposure goes unnoticed for many years as noise induced hearing loss occurs slowly.  By the time hearing loss is noticed significant irreversible damage has often already occurred.  Noise awareness and the use of...

As we age there a lot of changes in both the ear and in the brain that can impact the way we hear.  The auditory system is made up of the outer ear, the middle ear, the inner ear and the brain.  Age-related changes can...

Hearing loss is not merely for seniors or those with noise exposure but is also associated with other medical conditions.  There is emerging evidence for the association between hearing loss and both diabetes and poor cardiovascular health.  The prevention of hearing loss is yet another...

"Since the day Leon put in his new hearing aids he hasn't taken them out. We didnt realize how many everyday sounds he was missing such as the birds or the wipers in the car. He doesn't fall asleep in church anymore because he can...

In recognition of Tinnitus Awareness Week we have been talking about Tinnitus! When it comes to tinnitus the more you know the better. Here are some of the highlights! Established in 1927, May has since been known as “Better Hearing and Speech Month” – a time...

If you have tinnitus there are many effective management strategies that can be used individually or in combination.  Your Audiologist can provide you with the information you need to help you to manage your tinnitus. Counselling Tinnitus counselling is a first step in the management of tinnitus....

Did you know that Coldplay singer Chris Martin suffers from tinnitus?   He said, “Looking after your ears is unfortunately something you don’t think about until there’s a problem. I wish I’d thought about it earlier.”