Hearing Aids

With so many cell phone out there today it is important to know which features will work best with your hearing aids.    Cell phones are tested on how they work with hearing aids in relation to static, interference and how they work with a hearing aid...

Hearing Institute was thrilled to provide information for the staff of HomeInstead Senior Care. Thanks for being such an enthusiastic audience! HomeInstead2012...

Hearing aids are designed to provide clear speech  and improve communication. Both musicians and music lovers with hearing loss can enjoy music while wearing hearing aids. Audiologists can manipulate the settings of the hearing aid to improve music listening and many hearing aids have special music...

  In part 1 of this two part series, we discussed the benefits of two hearing aids when both ears have hearing loss. In general, it is advised for many reasons (outlined in Part 1) to strongly consider wearing two hearing aids. However, there are a few...

You’ve just been diagnosed with hearing loss in both ears, and the audiologist has recommended two hearing aids to improve your ability to communicate. However, a common lingering thought that pops up is: “do I really need two hearing aids?” There are many reasons why audiologists...

Do you struggle on the phone? Telephone with Confidence is a toll free number to practice hearing on the phone. There are new passages and word lists daily for individuals with hearing loss. Great for new hearing aid users or anyone who wants to try out new...

Ever wonder what features are activated on your hearing aid, and the purpose each function serves? Read on below for information on common hearing aid features used to improve everyday listening situations. Telecoil or TCoil A telecoil is a special circuit designed to enhance the telephone signal...