Author: Jessica Andrus

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In Part 1 of the Evolution of the Hearing Aid, we looked at the first attempts at aiding hearing with acoustic amplifiers such as ear trumpets and conversation cones. The first electric hearing aids hit the market after Alexander Graham Bell's telephone was designed in 1876....

As long as people have been communicating verbally, people have been having trouble hearing that communication. The first "generation" of hearing aids surfaced in the 17th century, and all of the aids were designed to be held over the ears. The first "brand name" hearing aid...

Check out this blog by a hearing impaired audiologist as he chronicles both personal stories and professional stories of living and working with a hearing loss. His honesty, creativity and humor make it an interesting read, but also his willingness to share information makes it...

The last tuesday of every month, Hearing Institute Atlantic runs an in-house clinic at Ivany Place located at 123 Gary Martin Drive in Bedford, NS. You can find Jessica, the audiologist who runs the Ivany Clinics, in the medical office on the main floor. Appointments are...

Musicians rely heavily on hearing to create music, but what happens when their ability to hear is reduced due to hearing loss? Read below to get Michael Berkeley's (a hard-of-hearing musician/composer) opinion on composing music with hearing loss. Hearing loss doesn't have to stop you from doing what you...

Now that you know how important good hearing is during the holidays – and at any time of the year, of course – and are aware of how to maximize it, put this knowledge to good use. Before you start carving a turkey or trimming a...

Whether you are an avid sports fan, or are just out for an entertaining evening with friends, the Fall/Winter is a great time to be attending sporting events in Halifax. Beyond our many high school sports games, and our university athletics, Halifax is proud to...

Jessica, audiologist in our Lower Sackville clinic, recently attended the Canadian Academy of Audiology 2012 conference in Ottawa to learn about the latest developments in hearing healthcare. Topics of the sessions she attended included: the use of the internet for providing useful information to patients, how to set hearing...

Many people feel that when they are ill, their hearing is affected. Most people experience this as a congested sensation, a perception that sounds are muffled, or a general dullness to sounds. Congestion associated with colds and flus can create a temporary hearing loss due...