When is "tough love" necessary with your hard-of-hearing family member?

When is "tough love" necessary with your hard-of-hearing family member?

Hearing loss affects more than just the hearing impaired individual. Hearing loss affects the entire family, and places an increased responsibility and increased stress on the partner of a hearing impaired individual. Often the spouse of a hearing impaired person exerts a lot of energy playing “interepreter” or “relay person” for their spouse, to try to help them manage their hearing loss. However, this takes a toll on the well-being of the spouse, as they often begin to develop feelings of frustration and annoyance, or they say “nevermind” when they have been asked to repeat themselves the second or third time.

While spouses and family of the hard of hearing individual have good intentions to help the individual with hearing loss, sometimes the good intentions can be counterproductive.

Please read the article below to better understand how sometimes, a little “tough love” with your hearing impaired loved one is the best way to encourage them to seek help.
