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Celebrate the Holidays with us and enjoy special savings during December! Purchase our Holiday Hearing Special at $22.50, valued at $32.00 Stay Dri Dehumidifier Jar 2 Pkgs. Premium Batteries 2015 Wall Calendar In support of FEED Nova Scotia, when you donate 2 non-perishable food items or $5 recieve a FREE...

With the holidays fast approaching it is a great time to pick up some books. Here are a couple of great books on hearing loss either for yourself or for a loved one. A book always makes a great gift or stocking stuffer!   The Train in...

With the holidays fast approaching it is a great time to pick up some books. Here are a couple of great books on hearing loss either for yourself or for a loved one. A book always makes a great gift or stocking stuffer!   Invisible: My Journey...

This amazing music video really proves that you can feel music, even if you can't full hear it. Use this link to watch a video of individuals signing the song "Happy" by Pharrell using ASL....

A great new service for the hearing impaired is being rolled out in January 2015 in Nova Scotia. Read here for more information on textingwith 911....

Ever notice how when you really need to focus in and listen how we stop moving? This research article discusses why and how our movement affects our ability to hear....

For someone that suffers from sound sensitivity issues, it can be frustrating finding the right professional to help you. An audiologist is the health professional trained to deal with all hearing issues, not only hearing loss. Read this fascinating article, about one person's search for help...

Because of poor acoustics, students in classrooms miss 50 percent of what their teachers say and patients in hospitals have trouble sleeping because they continually feel stressed. Julian Treasure (an expert in sound and how it affects us) sounds a call to action for designers to...

  Did you know? There are approx. 700,000 Canadian Military Veterans For more info on Veterans' Week ...