Myths and Misconceptions about Hearing Loss: Part 3

Myths and Misconceptions about Hearing Loss: Part 3

Myth: Hearing loss, and hearing aids, are a sign of old age.

Fact: The most common sign of hearing loss isn’t wearing a hearing aid (most people don’t notice that), but rather saying “what” and “huh?” over and over again. The best way to dispel the notion that you are getting older is to be an active participant in your life, understanding the jokes and catching the punch lines, and sharing those conversations with friends and family over the dinner table. This will make you feel your best, and appear your happiest, regardless of your age!


Myth: Hearing aids are too expensive. I can never afford them.

Fact: Before you think about the cost of the hearing aid, why not think of it as “how much is your hearing loss costing you”? According to the Better Hearing Institute, wearing a hearing aid can increase your salary up to $12,000 a year. People with hearing loss who do not wear hearing aids were found to lose twice as much income as those who have hearing loss and wear hearing aids. Rather than considering hearing aids a financial burden, it is best to work with your audiologist to determine your most affordable option.


Myth: All hearing clinics are the same.

Fact: Every clinic is different. Certain clinics are owned by a hearing aid manufacturer, while other clinics (like Hearing Institute Atlantic) are independently owned and work with many different hearing aid manufacturers. Certain hearing care professionals will be audiologists, some doctors of audiology, and other hearing instrument practitioners. Each title differs in the level of education and training; Doctors of Audiology have 9-10 years of university education, Audiologists have 6-7 Years of education, and HIPs have a college degree. At HIA, we employ all 3 types of hearing care professionals, and work together to deliver the best hearing care services possible. Finally, each clinic differs in their approach to patient care and what is included in your hearing health care plan. At HIA, our total care package includes all of your programming and hearing aid maintenance appointments, and we see you twice a year minimum.