May is Hearing Health Month! Reasons why YOU should take our hearing check challenge!

May is Hearing Health Month! Reasons why YOU should take our hearing check challenge!

May is speech and hearing month, dedicated to drawing attention to and building awareness of hearing and speech issues. Just like your eyes or your heart, your ears should be included as part of your regular health and wellness routine. Stay on top of your hearing health. Establish a baseline. Be proactive.

We challenge you to call 482-2222 and take our complimentary hearing check challenge at one of our 5 convenient locations.


Not convinced yet? For the month of may, our blog posts will include a different reason why you should have your hearing checked.

REASON 1: Your mother (or father, or grandma) had hearing losspic

Hearing loss has a strong genetic component. If anyone in your family, even generations back, suffered from hearing loss, it is important o get your hearing levels checked.  Even if you have perfectly normal hearing, you should have that documented in form of an audiogram so that if the genetic history starts to catch up to you, we can monitor the change and compare it to previous hearing tests.

If you know your relative was exposed to excessive noise and thus feel the hearing loss was induced by noise, that does not mean that you are “in the clear” from a genetics perspective. Some individuals with a genetic predisposition to hearing loss are at greater risk for noise induced hearing loss.

Don’t leave it to chance, make the choice. Make the choice to know your hearing status and be proactive about your hearing health.