Signs of Hearing Loss

Signs of Hearing Loss

When your hearing begins to change, it doesn’t mean that suddenly everything gets quieter. Rather some sounds often remain audible and loud (such as a lawnmower) while others become very faint or disappear completely (birdsong).  Voices become distorted, indistinct or unnatural, leading to a sense of hearing but not understanding what is said to you. Conversations in a noisy place become a significant challenge which lead us to withdraw socially and stop participating in daily activities.  Below is a list of things you could experience if you have hearing loss;

  • Asking for repetition
  • Responding inappropriately or not responding
  • Difficulty hearing in groups
  • Complain that people mumble or don’t speak clearly
  • Defensive about hearing loss
  • Watching the speakers mouth
  • Turning head to one side to hear better
  • Looking puzzled during conversations
  • Speaking too loud or too soft
  • Social withdrawal
  • TV and radio at higher volumes
If you or a loved one are experiencing any of the above symptoms of hearing loss please contact us to arrange a hearing test. This will help to confirm the status of your hearing health and ensure you take a proactive approach toward preserving your hearing ability.