Hearing Aids: The Next Fashion Statement?

Hearing Aids: The Next Fashion Statement?

As the hearing aid industry is driven by patients to make hearing aids as discreet and invisible as possible, some hearing aid users are opting for a different approach to their hearing aids. Some hearing aid users choose to consider their hearing aids as just another opportunity to make a fashion statement, similar to their hairstyle or their glasses, by showing their hearing aids off and accessorizing them. Below are some different options for making a fashion statement with your hearing aids:

1) Most hearing aid manufacturers offer different colors and patterns for their behind-the-ear products. For example, while certain hearing aids are available in jewel tones, others can be made with a leopard print design.


2)Hearrings:  Hearrings are jewellery designed specifically to be worn on hearing aids, intended to allow the hearing aid user to accessorize their hearing aid to coordinate with their outfit. More information on this jewellery can be found at hearrings.co.uk


2) SoundsGood Hearing Aid: The SoundsGood Hearing Aid is a snapshot into the future of hearing aid aesthetics. Designed with a modern, trend-setting individual in mind, this device is a fully functioning hearing aid with a screen that shows the spectrograph of the sound that is entering the hearing aid in real time. This allows anyone to see the sound waves as they hear them.