From Our Hearts

From Our Hearts

Mary_CameronHearing is the most spectacular of all our senses. It is through hearing that we are connected to our world and bonded with the people we love.  Think of hearing laughter and music or a whispered promise.  Its sharing happiness and joy and even sorrow or sadness.  In truth our ears are a gateway to our hearts.  As a Hearing Instrument Specialist I am often privileged to witness this realization with my patients.  Seeing that inner spark restored, watching the change in attitude and optimism, I cannot imagine a more rewarding experience as a hearing health professional.  I want to extend sincere thanks to all my patients for allowing me to be a part of their lives, for sharing their trials and triumph with me and for motivating me every day to listen not just with my ears but with my heart as well.

-Mary Cameron

For more on Mary check out her bio on our About page