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Tinnitus is that ringing or buzzing in the ears that we've all experienced at one time or another. For some people, they've only experienced tinnitus temporarily, while others live with it everyday. Read this article to learn more about tinnitus, and 7 common myths about tinnitus. If...

Hearing aids come in many shapes and sizes – and so do the ears of those who wear them. So how do audiologists make sure that your hearing aids fit your ears? It’s a combination of two things: comfort and sound. The Physical Fit There are many ways...

Many individuals want to wear their hearing aids while playing sports - after all, there are lots of different sounds to hear while playing sports. Whether it is the referee whistle, the coach feedback, or the teammate talk, some things just need to be heard...

Gael Hannan is a hearing impaired woman that shares her stories of living well with hearing loss on her blog at We've highlighted her blog in previous posts, but a recent article described a time when her hearing aids were being serviced, and how...

Please read here, for an interesting recount of hearing loss from a hearing impaired audiologist. It is interesting to read his description of the gradual changes he noticed over the course of a few years, given his career involves helping individuals undergoing similar changes. If you...

Sitting close to loudspeakers at concerts (which can reach about 120 decibels) can damage your hearing in just 7.5 minutes! At the age of 65, one in three adults has some hearing loss; however, a majority of the people who suffer from hearing loss are under...

Can a hearing aid restore my hearing?                                         -Thanks to Mrs. S. Omrah of Halifax, NS for this question.   Restoring? No. Improving? Yes! When a person loses eyesight, a pair of eyeglasses restores their vision. So why does the same principle not hold true for hearing? Hearing loss is...

Please read the article here to learn more about the new service available for hearing impaired Nova Scotians that allows pre-registered phones to communicate via text messaging with a 911 dispatcher. This allows for a more effective mode of emergency communication for the hearing impaired community...

It's hard to believe that some sounds can become extinct, but did you know that there are a variety of sounds that your children or grandchildren will never hear? This week we will provide a list of 11 sounds that your children may only hear...