Can You Hear the Holiday Cheer?

Can You Hear the Holiday Cheer?

If you’re the only one NOT groaning at Uncle Bob’s corny joke at the dinner table this Christmas, it might be time to get your hearing checked.

Not being able to hear in a social setting is a common symptom of hearing loss – knowing that Uncle Bob is speaking, but he isn’t clear enough for you to catch the punchline – is a warning sign for hearing loss. The many social gatherings of the holiday season offer more opportunities than the remainder of the year to notice that you are having trouble understanding conversations or asking the person to repeat a few too many times.

If you are having trouble hearing over the holidays, don’t put off a hearing test for years to come. Get it investigated sooner rather than later. Be proactive about your hearing health, and get the full story instead of wondering if there is really a problem. If you are a loved one of someone having trouble communicating, encourage them to get a hearing test.

Make a commitment to yourself or your loved ones to take care of your ears. As much as Uncle Bob’s joke may be corny, wouldn’t it feel nice to know why everyone else is laughing?