Ways to Enjoy Music with Hearing Loss

Ways to Enjoy Music with Hearing Loss

The Halifax Jazz Festival starts on July 12th and runs to July 17th. For more info Halifax Jazz Festival



Here are some tips for listening to music with hearing loss:

  • Use a music program on your hearing aids
    • Music and speech are very different and having a special program on your hearing aids will improve music quality.
  • Listen to music or talk
    • Music will be more enjoyable in a quiet spot. Talking and listening to music will be challenging and it is best to do one at a time.
  • Keep music at a comfortable level
    • Keep your hearing aid at a comfortable level or sit in a quieter spot. This will ensure that the music is not distorted.
  • If listening from a stereo or iPod use a wireless accessory
    • Using a wireless streamer will allow the music to bypass the microphones of your hearing aids allowing the music to sound crisp and clear.
  • At a live performance get there early to pick your seat
    • Pick a seat away from other background noise, with a good view of the performers and somewhere close enough to hear clearly without it being too loud.
Ask your audiologist for help if you are having difficulty listening to music! Check out The Coast for more concerts and festivals!



Stelmacovich, P. (2013). Canadian Hearing Report, 8,2: 11-13.