Treat Your Hearing Loss, Why Doing It Now Matters

Treat Your Hearing Loss, Why Doing It Now Matters

There are a lot of reasons to treat your hearing loss, even when it’s a mild loss. Did you know that hearing loss is the 3rd most common health condition Canada? After heart disease and diabetes, hearing loss affects 1 in 10 people. It can happen to anyone and can occur at any stage of life, negatively affecting everything from work-life to home-life, relationships with friends and family and even mental and emotional health. It is for these reasons and many more that treatment for hearing loss may be able to transform a person’s life.

  1. Health. Fatigue, tension, stress, depression and even dementia are all physical symptoms cited by experts as ailments linked to hearing loss. From an emotional perspective, people with hearing loss may experience irritability, anger, negativism and diminished psychological health. However, the good news is when the ability to hear is regained, overall physical and psychological health can be improved.
  2. Career. Reduced job performance and earning potential – and the resulting loss of identity and self-esteem – are also effects of hearing loss. The ability for an individual with hearing loss to carry out assigned tasks in a workplace environment can be severely hampered by factors such as background noise, acoustics and unfamiliarity with surroundings. Treatment for hearing loss often helps individuals feel more confident and prepared when they are on the job.
  3. Daily Conveniences. Difficulty hearing the TV, alarm clock, radio, conversations over the phone, or the words of another person are not just inconveniences but also potentially life-changing challenges that can lead to embarrassment, anxiety and even social withdrawal. People who struggle with these challenges due to difficulties with hearing loss may be able to overcome them by seeking treatment for their hearing loss.
  4. Brain Hearing. Hearing loss causes changes in the brain, changes in how the brain processes sound and understands speech. Research has shown that this process speeds up when hearing loss goes untreated. Today’s hearing aid technology is designed to help provide better hearing with less effort by giving the brain what it needs; the clearest, purest, sound signals. The result is better hearing with less effort.
  5. Relationships & Special Moments. The inability to share intimate conversations or treasured moments because communication through conversation has been lost may be one of the most devastating effects of hearing impairment. Improved hearing through treatment options, like hearing aids, can afford individuals the opportunity to be more fully engaged with those special people in their life and never miss life’s special moments and events. (Source: Cochlear Highlights)


Still wondering if treating your hearing loss will work for you? Most companies offer a trial period, a time to wear a hearing aid at home in your own environment listening to the sounds and voices that matter to you. A trial is a great way to assess if the technology will support your lifestyle and get back those sounds that you have been missing, maybe even unknowingly missing!

Have your hearing checked regularly, and take action when it becomes necessary.